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All through our social media marketing solutions & proprietary social media marketing system.
All through our social media marketing solutions & proprietary social media marketing system.
All through our social media marketing solutions & proprietary social media marketing system.
All through our social media marketing solutions & proprietary social media marketing system.
Your time, resources, and focus are too valuable to waste time on social media and all its noise. You need a laser – focused approach to your organization’s presence online, so that your organization can share its mission and grow in its impact.
Posting content on social media may feel like being on a treadmill that gets your organization nowhere. A social media advertising plan will help you create local awareness, increase prospective donors list, and have better results in your fundraising events, faster.
You have a consistent, on-mission social media presence that helps you accomplish all your key goals: awareness, fundraising, new donor acquisition, and local events support
How do you know if what we are doing on social media is working? Because we share that information with you every month. You have the opportunity to see what content is helping you achieve the organization’s goals faster, simpler
Social media is only one piece of the puzzle. We create marketing campaigns that keep donors, volunteers, and participants engaged and informed.
Along with a strong social media presence, blogging allows you to continue communicating your mission, programs, and impact, in a cost-effective and efficient manner.
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Sed ut perspiciatis unde os istenatus errt vol uptatem accutium doloremque laudantiued uper spiciatis unde os istenatus error sit vo.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde os istenatus errt vol uptatem accutium doloremque laudantiued uper spiciatis unde os istenatus error sit vo.
In step 1, all stakeholders come together to share their vision and goals and establish the foundation for our Social Media Strategy. We will also get access to platforms to be able to do an initial audit and status of the current accounts. This is a virtual workshop format.
After our Strategy & onboarding session, we will create the social media strategy and discuss the workflow for sharing and approving the monthly social media content. This is will be shared and presented virtually via Zoom.
After we have come together to establish our collective goals for our social media presence and are in agreement with the social media plan, we create and share the first month of content and discuss next steps for presentation the social media report on a monthly basis